
Free offers, subscription requests, bonus gifts. They pour through my mailbox like a unrelenting river. My poor mailman must expend at least half of his daily exertions carrying this tripe. Who profits? I dare say the fundraisers and the ad men profit. The executives who run these organizations profit. But where is the evidence that all these beneficent organizations are improving the general state of life on the planet? It is hard to find indeed. Buddha begged for his meager meals on the dirt paths of an impoverished country. He ate whatever came to his bowl. He accepted nothing more than the food which would fill his bowl. He taught his followers to do the same. My practice does not include begging for food. Here I diverge from the Buddhist tradition. However, I have been blessed with a full bowl of forgiveness, caring and support most days of my life, and whenever I have actively sought to fill my needs. The distributors of junk mail are selling things, not really asking for help to help mankind. They pimp "good causes" to reap corporate jobs, material comforts and societal status. Compassion cannot be mailed. Right action cannot be paid for with check or credit card.


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