What is enough? The current individualistic attitude in America dictates that there is no such quantity of anything. Schooled in Objectivism by their parents and encouraged by fundamentalist charlatans, young Americans have reverted to materialism and every-man-for-himself-ish greed. Blink is in. Think is out. College students pay premium ticket prices to rappers who advocate rape and murder. Credit debt has corroded the personal economy. Obesity belies an insatiable hunger. iPods are crammed with more music than anyone could regularly hear and appreciate. Personal storage facilities are springing up everywhere to hold unused possessions. But for what? Learning what is enough is a precious lesson which comes only with thought, study and personal discipline. If having enough were the standard, all people would be well fed, well cared for and well housed. Part of my practice is the constant pursuit of a better understanding of what is enough for me.
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