We truly possess nothing. Possession implies control over that which is possessed. At best (or worst), we make a social contract through Law to have the exclusive right to hold or use something. Yet, the Law can take that so-called possession away at the rap of a gavel. Even our own bodies are not solely controlled by ourselves in society. And, if you have ever yet dealt with a life-threatening or maiming disease, you know that possession of a human body is no guaranteed paradise or refuge. I recently watched a documentary about the removal of radical Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip. Indoctrinated by theology, these poor human beings went through hellish torment. Not at the hands of the Israeli army, which had the sad task of trying to help these people. In fact, their hell was a result of their religious gullibility and delusions. They simply could not let go without torturing themselves in the process. Learning to tread the Middle Path between possession and being possessed is a very crucial part of my own practice. It requires tremendous will to propel my spirit from the weight of fear, conditioning and the endless pressures of society to conform to the delusion of materialism.
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