
Prophets, seers, have been present in societies as long as societies have kept record. Unfortunately, societies contaminated by majority religious cultism often assume that prophets must come from their religious cults. These societies assume that foresight must be wed to religious conformity. This is a basic flaw of cultism, or religion. Al Gore, Gore Vidal, Michael Moore, Howard Zinn...these are a few of our modern prophets. These people are committed to extending themselves to bring the message of their educated foresight to the public consciousness. Not only for praise or profit. As science sheds light on the Universe, men of learning and science will more and more become the prophets of humanity, all of humanity. It is part of my own practice to listen to them, to learn from them and to steer my own path in part by the light of their intelligence. I see this as another use of my intelligence to achieve personal evolution.


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