
Heterosexuals freely discuss opinions about homosexuals in blunt and all-knowing terms. This occurs on the media and on the subway. Yet, frank discussion of heterosexuals is likely to get a homosexual beaten up. This is simple to explain. The heterosexual majority live in a cooperative, conforming denial of the problems inherent in heterosexual thinking.

The evidence of the problems caused by this denial is everywhere, if you are willing or able to step outside of it. What frightens heterosexuals into this defense (denial) most readily is the glaring 800-pound gorilla of overpopulation, which is at the root of all the current environmental and social problems facing the human species.

The fact that it is their sexuality which causes this problem seems incomprehensible to even the most intelligent heterosexuals. They become overwhelmed whenever the focus is placed on this basic human problem. They begin squabbling over birth control, abortion rights, adoption rights, cloning, as if they were able to deal with any of it with true, decisive action.

The simple and obvious fact is that heterosexuals are generally incapable of dealing with these issues effectively, since they are in control of world governments and raise the vast majority of the world's children. If heterosexuals were capable of dealing effectively with the products of their own sexuality, there would be no famine, no war, no environmental degradation.

My practice includes seeing and speaking the truth. Unless I see and speak the truth of my own life, I can never address the impediments to my own human evolution. Human evolution is only achieved when each human evolves, individually or in society. The current denial of overpopulation by those most responsible for that overpopulation, heterosexuals, is a threat to the human species.


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