January is a month of resolutions, gym memberships and weight-loss diets for many people whose lives are plagued by a tidal conformity.
Diet is the most important and first step of establishing a personal practice toward living a compassionate and mindful lifestyle, the key to happiness. You are what you eat. Your diet determines what makes up your body, how it works, how you feel and how you experience the Universe outside of your body.
Bad diet, bad life. Very simple.
Diet includes alcohol, drugs of all kinds, herbs, minerals, vitamins, etc.. It even includes the water you drink and the air you breathe.
It does not require an advanced education to assess your diet, read information about nutrition, and set up a plan for yourself as a beginning of a daily practice for the rest of your life. Waiting until you find the perfect plan from someone else is simply an excuse to not practice. I have a diet page which speaks to weight loss and general healthy nutrition. Feel free to look it over.
If you are too fat, too thin, tired, depressed, lonely, feeling unattractive, etc., you might want to establish a daily practice starting with better nutrition. It will be the best step you can take to improve your life.
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