
I believe that all I am and may become in this life will end with my death. There is no evidence to support any other understanding of death, as far as I can tell. Therefore, it is useless to even ponder the question or behave in any way based on an imaginary afterlife. We are like other material objects. At death, our atoms will simply be redistributed into the Universe from which they came.

This perspective is very liberating. By accepting the immutable and inevitable, I am freed to concentrate my energies on being the best version of me I can be in any moment. Unlike religious people who base their behavior on codes, based on the elaborate dictates of an imaginary super being, I am free to look around me and base my behavior on the real world, subject to civil, natural and physical laws. It is my responsibility to make the best ethical decisions I can.

This consciousness stimulated those behaviors in my life which have been most humanitarian and socially responsible. I believe, if all people realized that all we have in this Universe is our common humanity, we would be less divided by religion, race and ethnicity.


  1. Very well said. I wish more people would dialog openly about this.

  2. "I believe that all I am and may become in this life will end with my death. There is no evidence to support any other understanding of death, as far as I can tell. Therefore, it is useless to even ponder the question or behave in any way based on an imaginary afterlife."
    What evidence is there that there is no afterlife? Either belief is a leap of faith. I don't see why either position is useless, either. There is no evidence, so it is useless to believe - by your logic - applies to your belief, which there is no evidence to back up. For thousands of years people have found many uses in believing in a higher power that's watching and deciding where they'll go next. It's no secret that religious people tend to be happier, give more to charity, and have done more good (I'm don't deny the bad done in the name of religion, but nobody ever discusses secular evils) for mankind. Just my thoughts... Peace!

  3. I really like that. I will be saving it for my funeral, 40+ years from now.

  4. Ian:

    I have no problem with human beings who call on a religious structure to inspire compassionate behavior and intellectual

    The onus of proof of an afterlife's existence is on those who believe in one, since physical evidence does not support it.

    I would like to see an objectively done (not affiliated with a religious institution in any way) scientific study of the superiority of religious folks in levels of happiness, longevity and generosity. Seems to me that just stating this as accepted Truth ('everyone knows') is a typical ploy of the religious to reassert that mythology of 'being religious is better for you'. Doesn't wash in my scientific view or my own anecdotal view as a hospice nurse, for example.

    Glad you commented on the piece.


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