
US citizens are allowing themselves to be ruled by a plutocracy. The current whining of the Democrats in Congress that 'the votes aren't there' for universal health care for American citizens, when there are a majority of Democrats in the Congress, is the open admission that we no longer have a two-party democracy in the US. We have a plutocracy: Government by the wealthy for the interests of the wealthy.

The recent 'solutions' to the US 'financial crisis' should have been evidence enough for those with eyes and a brain. The solutions entailed propping up the wealthy who had raped the financial system by defrauding the middle class with bogus loans. The middle class is broke. The wealthy bankers are still flush. The government of the US continues to hold the hands of the rich, while the middle class and the poor struggle on their own.

The health care debate is the biggest tip-off of all. First, there is no debate. Universal health care was never really on the table. Now they are force=feeding the public with universal coverage. They are equating the two concepts in an attempt to fool the public into thinking that a compromise has been reached. This is a patent lie. There was never a legitimate debate.

Universal health care would mean that any US citizen or legal resident would have the ability to access health care (medical assistance or treatment) anywhere in the US at any time it was required without worry about being bankrupted by that need. In other words, medical care as a human and civil right.

Universal health coverage keeps up the illusion that medical care is a commodity, not a human and civil right. This is the position of the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry, the wealthy interests who obviously own our Congress lock, stock and barrel. So, the Congress will keep funneling customers to the insurance companies. More than ever, since every US citizen will be forced to buy private insurance in order to get medical treatment.

Perhaps it is time to stop mooning over well-meaning President Obama. He has surrendered to these interests by giving Congress the go-ahead to sell the American citizenry down the river to the lobbies who have made this country the mess it is right now. Perhaps it is time to get involved, to write your Congressional delegation. Demand your human right to health and well being. Do not surrender your rights as a human being to the insatiable greed of the wealthy.

Practice is fighting greed and stupidity for your own humanity's sake. Compassion is doing the same for all humanity's sake.


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