There is an active volcano of polluting oil spreading over a huge area of the Gulf of Mexico. No, it hasn't been fix yet, despite the cooling media interest. Political mayhem is also spreading in the states on the Gulf Coast. Politicians with considerable lumps of oil cash in their bulging pockets are looking at their shoes and mouthing the scripted litanies of "Don't panic." These are written for them by their masters, quite obviously. Less bribed politicians are calling the alert in hopes of mobilizing voter lethargy on the issue. The lethargic voters are more concerned about gas prices for their SUVs than drowning in polluted, globally warmed oceans.
Afghanistan, Iraq, oil spill, Icelandic volcano, Haitian earthquake. It is all becoming a series of paper cut-outs or digitized screen images to the overwhelmed, overinformed and undermotivated American public, who are treading their personal financial waters in a recession, which everyone in Government says is over. Other than the various fringe groups, there is no united, visible protest against the status quo.
Is it the corn syrup in the Dunkin Donuts coffee and practically everything else? Is it the overprescribed tons of anti-depressants, thrown at anyone with a blue day? Is it that life is still too easy for the middle class, despite all these problems? Is real protest being igored or actively hidden by media? Whatever it is, I can't shake the feeling that something truly wicked this way comes.
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