
The way is not in the sky.
The way in in the heart.

Shambhala Pocket Dhammapada, Verse 18, Impurity.

A hazard of being idealistic is the temptation to compare what is with what should be. This breeds impatience and frustration. Significant change occurs slowly in complex systems.

Being centered in love, compassion and peace is a way to cope with impatience and frustration. By firmly anchoring your consciousness in the moment, dealing with people and situations from the heart comes much more readily. Mindful observation and understanding of your reactions to your environment in the moment can help you to put into practice some of your ideals.

This practice is not easy. The mind is a garden which needs constant tending. Without pruning and nurturing, the mind can become a tangled jungle of emotion and confusion. Identifying and following your determination to work for the greater good in every moment makes the work easier and brings great happiness.


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