
Human expression of feelings is a key developmental element of our evolution to mindful existence. Our capacity to identify and express emotions and ideas with language separates us from other species. It has made us the dominant predator on the planet. Being the dominant predator on the planet has enabled us to exploit the planet's resources to increase our population and life spans. As we know, we have done this at the expense of the atmosphere and the existence of other species.

The Face of Repression
Perhaps we can use human expression as a remedy, as well as a weapon. The outpouring of human expression in Egypt, Tunisia, Ukraine, and other nations, where revolutions have begun with peaceful mass expression of dissatisfaction with the ruling regime, illustrates the potential of nonviolent expression to change the world. The forces of repression in these situations revert inevitably to violence, as we see in Egypt.

Our own President and Secretary of State in the U.S. are being accused of poor expression of support for peaceful protest in Egypt. By aligning for years with the forces of the oppressive Mubarak, the American government has stifled its own expression of support of human rights and justice in Egypt. This repression of proper expression of support for the greater good in Egypt to protect our selfish, materialistic interests in America was and is wrong policy, developed out of fear of instability of oil supplies and profits.

The Mubarak's of the world will always seek to bottle human expression. They understand how powerful human expression is. They will try to stifle the freedom of expression on the Internet. They will chip away at it for profit and power. One Senator in the U.S. Congress is already taking on this issue by suggesting our President have Mubarak-like power over the Internet in a "national emergency".

As a humanist, I see the limiting of nonviolent human expression in any form as repressive and unethical. I also feel a great personal responsibility to use my clear, nonviolent expression for promoting the greater good in my life and in society from moment to moment. This is part of my humanist practice.


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