Look at the world. Stay in touch. It is so easy to tread your daily rut. Don't be distracted by the material world at the expense of your personal development. This is a challenge of daily practice.
Balancing between healthy routine and openness to the environment around you is an acquired skill of practice. For many of us, developing healthy routines is the hard part. For others, maintaining openness to the environment is the hard part. When we achieve personal balance, we naturally meet and connect with other balanced practitioners of healthy practice.
Spontaneity without structure is chaos. While chaos can lead to the creation of something interesting, like life on Earth, for instance, it is not necessarily the way to human happiness. Living in chaos is the waste of a functional frontal lobe. However, structure without spontaneity is deadly. Calcified lives do not grow. Balancing structure and spontaneity for progressive development is a major struggle of the human condition.
Engaging in the moment-by-moment struggle to find personal balance is practice. Living in balance motivated by informed mindfulness with a compassionate intention to support the greater good of all human beings and their environment is humanist practice.
Balancing between healthy routine and openness to the environment around you is an acquired skill of practice. For many of us, developing healthy routines is the hard part. For others, maintaining openness to the environment is the hard part. When we achieve personal balance, we naturally meet and connect with other balanced practitioners of healthy practice.
Spontaneity without structure is chaos. While chaos can lead to the creation of something interesting, like life on Earth, for instance, it is not necessarily the way to human happiness. Living in chaos is the waste of a functional frontal lobe. However, structure without spontaneity is deadly. Calcified lives do not grow. Balancing structure and spontaneity for progressive development is a major struggle of the human condition.
Engaging in the moment-by-moment struggle to find personal balance is practice. Living in balance motivated by informed mindfulness with a compassionate intention to support the greater good of all human beings and their environment is humanist practice.
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