
Several people have commented to me recently with amazement that I write here every day. I wonder sometimes if their expressions hold a question of my sanity as they make that observation. I routinely respond, "It is part of my daily practice." And, that is all it is really.

Some writers write because they must. There are actually brain conditions which compel people to write incessantly. Temporal lobe epilepsy is one example. I do not write from compulsion. Writing for me is more akin to doing push-ups. Many days I take a deep breath, release a resigned sigh and start typing away. Occasionally I have that wonderful inspiration that makes the process a joy ride. Only occasionally.

This action, this blog, forces me to examine my values and practice of them at the beginning of each day. It is as much reflective as it is expressive. These essays are not sermons. They are the revealed rumblings of my searching mind, trying to make sense of the world and the me in that world. That's all. No sexy gossip. No naked celebrity photographs. No self-serving political agenda.

Someone once suggested sardonically that I may be seeking to be a "Pope of Humanism". The absurdity of this amused me. I am openly anti-establishment in just about everything. Anyone who reads this blog would probably know that. The establishment of clergy, dogma and uniform liturgy in Humanism would give me cause to disassociate myself from that movement. I would still maintain my humanist practice, as I have done for decades.

I leave the deep philosophy of Humanism to those who have spent years in Academia. I am a practical humanist in all things. This expression of that practical humanism is in itself practical. It is my reflective tool and attempt to share my process as an open and candid person. My intent is simply that. If this should help someone else in some way, I would be very pleased. If it annoys someone, I am always interested in hearing about it. I highly recommend this process for anyone who is putting their humanism into practice.


  1. Agreed - reflection of how you want to live your life helps you actually do it.


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