
Reaction is easy, especially when drunk or walking through life asleep. Reflection is difficult. Reflection is the measure of the awakened mind. Reaction is a reflex of the animal brain.

A violent terrorist is murdered. A psychological terrorist is beatified. Both announced in the same day, May 1st, which represents renewal and revolution. In both cases, celebration blossoms in the streets. One celebration is peppered with inebriation and hollow nationalism. The other is flavored with sanctimonious righteousness. Are the celebrants awake? Are they reflecting on what these events really mean for human beings in the broad span of human history and behavior?

Reflection might lead to the understanding that these are celebrations of those things which divide: Revenge and murder on the one hand and religious fanaticism on the other. Hardly reasons to hoot and holler, if you cherish peace and joy. Peace and joy come with nonviolence, dialogue and generosity. However, addiction to emotion and stimulation at any cost makes peace and joy impossible.

Violence perpetuates violence. Contention perpetuates contention. Reflection brings mindfulness and personal peace, which can then be shared with the world. As a practicing humanist, I am digesting what today's and yesterday's news means for right now and tomorrow. Celebrating what it means in reference to a decade ago is foolishness in my opinion.


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