The best way to avoid conflict is clear and honest communication. I do not subscribe to the current illusion created by social media that we all can get along by simply posting ourselves on a wall. While I value this form of community-building communication in its place, I also believe many see it as a substitute for intimate and committed relationships in the flesh. This can be a tragic loss of opportunities for personal growth.
Honest communication is often awkward and time-consuming. It requires thought and patience, especially when true feelings are being shared in the moment. With practice and openness to learn, honest communication brings the light of mutual understanding and peace of mind. It seldom, if ever, brings absolute concordance.
The offer to participate in an honest dialogue is a great gift. It may be refused or even harshly rejected. But, the initiator is always rewarded with a greater understanding of the relationship. I have found that trying to communicate openly as part of my practice has brought its own rewards to my inner life. Whether I succeed at engaging another in this communication or not, I always come from the experience more fully human, in my opinion, than before.
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