Simplicity is hard to achieve in a complex, materialistic world. We do not grow our own food. We do not make our own clothing. We do not build our own shelters from available natural materials. We cannot navigate to the goods and services we need without complex transportation, such as cars, buses and trains.
I have no time for or interest in being a Luddite, living on a rural acre and weaving my own cloth in my log cabin. I do sometimes nurture that fantasy though. The simplicity I seek enables me to live in clear light of mindfulness in the world I know. The simplicity I seek enables me to use precious and irreplaceable time to laugh, to love, to learn.
Minimizing the amount of time I devote to accumulating and maintaining money and things helps a great deal. Maximizing the time I devote to friendship and my own development as a human being also helps.
As I gradually simplify my personal environment, I feel a greater peace. As I simplify my mental focus, I am able to concentrate on those things that matter most. Simplicity of environment and activity enables me to look outward to my fellow human beings with less stress and more generosity of spirit.
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