All this petty bickering by the professional politicians in charge of our government is very annoying. After my meditation yesterday I had these three proactive ideas for addressing some of our basic problems:
What if every human being born in the United States got a Social Security number at birth. A nice shiny plastic card, like a credit card. Let's say that the government would require every parent of a child to contribute 5% beyond his/her own Social Security payments for his/her own retirement of his/her annual income until the child became 16 years old into this Social Security account, tied to the child's number. Then at 16, the card holder would be required to continue contributing under normal work-related laws for Social Security contributions. Why shouldn't all parents be directly involved and accountable in setting the foundation of their own children's future security?
What if the U.S. military budget was cut way back and all the expensive foreign outposts of American troops, costing us billions each year were closed down. Then that money could be immediately invested in building free primary schools in underdeveloped nations. These schools could offer health/nutritional programs as well as basic education. Would we need to 'protect' ourselves from children we've fed, clothed and educated?
What if all the schools of government at American universities reserved 20% of their seats for minority domestic and foreign students (including LGBT students) from low-income backgrounds on full residential scholarships. These seats could be funded by college sports revenues or by scaling back overblown college sports programs. Wouldn't this be actual empowerment?
Yes, I am a dreamer...but not the only one.
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