
Freedom is not a granted privilege. It is a state of mind. Enslavement is also a frame of mind.
Maintaining mental freedom while also developing mindfulness and compassion is the great quest of the humanist. Addiction and hedonism can impede the hard work of being a vital, caring human being day after day. The very habits which may bring great success in the eyes of a materialistic world may well sabotage the opening of the mind to compassion.

True freedom opens the mind to sharing. The freed mind is not defensive or reactionary. The freed mind looks forward and reaches out readily.

My humanist practice is based in my freedom to be and share the person I am. I recognize this liberation in others who have broken through convention and fear to simply be the best human beings they can be. Practice is based in joining liberated minds, not following them. This is a pivotal difference between a humanist practice and religion.


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