
In the wake of the conviction of two Afghan men in Canada for an honor killing of four women, there have been statements in the media concerning "worries about an anti-Muslim backlash". Worries about an anti-Muslim backlash? What is the matter with our media? How about worries about sexism, ignorance and domestic violence, justified by any religion or culture? 

We need more intelligent backlash against ignorance, sexism and violence. Intelligent backlash led to the Reformation in reaction to the Catholic Inquisition, a movement as primitive and violent as unbridled Sharia Law. In turn, the Reformation broke the oppression of the Inquisition. This led eventually to the Age of Enlightenment, the dawn of science in Western Civilization. 

Dr. King's non-violent backlash against the violence which stood in the way of desegregation in the American South pushed forward the Civil Rights Movement. His marches of hundreds of thousands in peace upon Washington, D.C. were an intelligent backlash against ignorance, racism and violence.

The Stonewall riot was a violent backlash to timeless violent oppression of LGBT people. It sparked an intelligent backlash of Gay Pride marches across the planet. This has prompted the intelligent backlash of LGBT organizations and legislative change. 

The emptying of Roman Catholic churches across the world has been an intelligent backlash against child abuse and exploitation by holy men. It has been a backlash against hypocrisy and patriarchal exploitation. And the world is better for it.

In North America, we are being inundated with pro-Islamic propaganda at every turn. Much of this is funded by the oil money which has been earn by Saudi Arabia from our addiction to the petroleum lifestyle of automobiles and cheap heating fuel for over-sized houses. When atrocity associated with Islamic philosophy of any stripe arises, there is a rush to quell any rational outrage. There is a fear of rational backlash, instilled by those who would suppress dissent in the new Global Order of corporate domination.

Well, I would encourage intelligent backlash in the face or honor killings. I would encourage this backlash to be carried out by teachers, nurses, doctors and law enforcement officers. They have the eyes to stop violence against women and children at the hands of religiously inspired or ethnically inspired bullies. There should be a special awareness among these guardians of civility as more immigrants populate our cities. Obviously, these guardians failed these murdered women in Canada, whose lives were a daily torture before their demise at the hands of shameless bullies. The same guardians have failed abused children and LGBT young people historically. It is time to place intelligent awareness and active courage before political correctness, superficial multiculturalism and cowardice.


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