Great Mosque of Djenne. photo: Wikimedia |
Religion has used imagination to structure those things which cannot be readily perceived with human senses. Science investigates those things by using the human imagination to understand how the Universe works as it exists. Religion itself is a creation. It is the creation of myth, back story and the subsequent imaginary laws of imaginary gods. Science looks into what is observable and not immediately observable, including the assumptions of religion.
This places religion in conflict with science. Religion is inevitably reactionary, unless it is part of the scientific quest to understand the workings of reality and to apply its understanding of the workings of the Universe for the betterment of life. The recent Catholic flap over reproductive health coverage in American health insurance is an example of reactionary religion which defies common sense and science to preserve dogmatic control of human minds and behavior.
Religion did not build great cathedrals, mosques or temples. Scientific engineering did. While religion's myths may inspire the imagination to do great things, the downside of repression and domination far outweigh its worth to human progress. Religion impedes progress. It has historically taken the side of traditional structures over experimentation and innovation for the good of humanity and the planet. Gradually science will make religious structures obsolete. When that day comes, human progress will have won a great victory.
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