
The daily news in this media age is enough to color the world in deep grays and dark blues. However, the optimistic viewer sees the wonderful exposure of issues that once never saw the light of public debate. Working through centuries of patriarchy, sexism, racism and homophobia requires unearthing a lot of unattractive muck. But, any seasoned gardener will tell you that the unearthing of muck, the aeration of soil, makes for fertile ground for new growth.

My life has taught me to get my hands dirty if I want to achieve something. When I was young, I resented my father's constant insistence that I join him in the most strenuous and exacting clean-ups, repairs and reconstructions. I now realize he was trying to teach me something very valuable about achieving change. This lesson was learned, but I sometimes have to push myself to roll up my sleeves and get to it.

Getting to it is the key to maintaining optimism. Without actual work and actual results, looking at what should be done becomes very daunting. Rationalizing without actualizing is the realm of the ineffectual academic. Humanism, as I see it, is the actualizing of the rational in daily life through practice. Practice is optimistic, because it is based in a belief that progressive change begins with progressive daily action in one human life.


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