Violence of the mind is poison. Aggression begins in thought. Unlike self-defense in the moment of being attacked, which is reflexive, aggression stems from roots in the mind.
I strongly disagree with proponents of violent sports who maintain they build integrity in their participants. They build aggression and violence. They imbue a form of competition which is based in physical aggression and domination. The star system in professional sports is the alpha-male system of ancient times. Nothing different. Nothing progressive.
As the U.S. whines about its political and societal impotence in the face of gun-wielding bullies, average families allow their young children to sow the seeds of aggression and violence in their minds with violent television, violent video games and violent sports. They hand the poison of violence to their children and bemoan the inevitable results.
Humanism is a mindset of non-violence, peace and joy. The humanist does not seek to kill, maim or dominate in the name of a god or perverted morality. Humanist practice is a practice for the peace and well being of the practitioner and his/her environment. Expunging violent thought from a poisoned mind is very difficult. It requires meditation, reflection and vigilant self-awareness. The mind poisoned by violence may never be free of it, but the individual practice of living in non-violence is a beginning to establishing greater peace and joy for all.
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