There is a deep divide between conscientious discretion and dishonesty. Blatant dishonesty is a cultural flaw around the world. In some places, it is considered matter-of-fact. In the U.S., there are perpetual screams about honesty in public discourse. Just screams about it. Little presence of the real thing, especially in the media. Just a brief look at the Wikileaks case illustrates my point.
In a single human life, dishonesty is like rust. It gradually eats away at love's foundations. Without honesty and earned trust, there is no true love.
Discretion in the name of privacy is certainly the right of any individual. Discretion may also be used in the name of compassion. Some people cannot handle the truth in certain situations. However, relationships in which discretion is the guiding principle are neither intimate or fully loving. To pretend they are is itself dishonest.
Honesty is a fundamental action of humanist practice. It begins with the honest appraisal and acceptance of the self. Without that appraisal and acceptance, there is no real personal advancement or development. Working from an internal practice of honesty, the humanist opens to the world. This leads to ethical and compassionate action in everyday life. It is not an easy path. However, I have experienced it as a path to liberation, peace and joy.
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