
An ounce of prevention is indeed worth a pound of cure. Any medical worker understands this principle. Working in an emergency room, which I have done, teaches this lesson in gory detail.

Many Americans currently confuse attempts at prevention of disease as government control or loss of freedom. This is largely due to propaganda funded by the corporations which make fortunes off human gullibility. Health insurance companies scare the uneducated about government health insurance. The corn industry lulls near-diabetic fat people into acceptance of high fructose corn syrup in everything. The petrochemical industry threatens the fall of civilization if naturally derived electricity replaces coal, methane and oil.

Prevention does require some education and intelligent application of that education. These are elements of what I call practice. I consider prevention of disease a cornerstone of effective humanist practice. After all, how effectively can I be mindful and compassionate if I am debilitated by disease?


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