
I am currently evaluating this blog's value in my humanist practice. This is a regular process, part of my general process of continuing functional behaviors and changing the dysfunctional.  This evaluating isn't always easy work.

I fight the urge to make writing this blog a discipline in itself. Yes, it does require some discipline to start my days with an essay that has somewhat proper spelling and coherence. That discipline is the same motivating force that gets me to my exercise mat every morning before breakfast. However, unlike my stretches on my bedroom floor, writing this blog has less concrete goals and results. 

My evaluation of this blog requires my examination of my practice, its motives and its efficacy in my life. Is the blog honest? Am I using the blog as podium or mirror? Does the blog enhance my understanding of myself and my values? Doing this in public is both risky and rewarding. 

My evaluation will take a while. It may entail experimentation with the blog's format or content to test it. It may simply entail looking more critically from day to day at my own entries. In any case, doing this evaluation is being true to my own commitment to practice, the daily process of self-development and living humanist values. 


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