
Being a practicing humanist entails an interesting paradox. It is easy because it simply entails being a decent human being in daily life without learning prescribed dogma or rituals imposed by an institution with no consideration of my personal needs and characteristsics. It is hard because it entails being a decent human being in daily life in society which is corrupted by unjust and cruel prescriptions dictated by institutions and accepted by many people.
Treading my path along the ridge of this paradox with optimism and generosity is the challenge of my humanism. Accepting what I cannot change in society while vigorously working on positive change in my own being requires a developed sense of balance. My daily meditation helps a great deal. Pursuing scientifically derived information to educate myself helps a great deal. Cherishing the good and gentle in people I know and meet helps a great deal.
The inherent paradox of being an intelligent animal, that is being able to imagine walking among the stars while being held by gravity to life, aging and death, is simply part of the pain and joy of human existence. If we all could tap into that basic common experience with each other without the barriers of race, politics, money and religion, we could all learn to be better stewards of this marvelous planet.


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