
Americans naively praise multiculturalism in broad, all-accepting terms. "It's all good." is a popular shrug among American youth. Political correctness dictates ignoring intentional stupidity, sexism and child abuse, associated with cultures in certain communities, by the reputedly erudite.
Anusha Zafar, a 15-year-old Pakistani girl, was burned to death with acid by her own mother in the name of her culture. Anusha looked at a young man in a way which enraged her parents. They felt she was destined to die because she soiled the family honor with an adolescent glance. This culture is currently being imported to North America, as evidenced by honor killing cases in Canada and the U.S..
Cultures can maim, exterminate and ostracize. Culture can poison young minds. Culture can assign the elderly to isolation and poverty. Culture can destroy an environment through mindless overpopulation and resistance to education, promoted by religious fanatics.
Being skeptical is key to being a humanist. Scientifically looking at all aspects of life is progressive. This includes examining culture, domestic and foreign. Humoring those who use culture as a shield for dysfunctional, violent or antisocial behavior is self-defeating. Humanism requires the strength and courage to sometimes say "No" loudly to injustice and ignorance.


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