President Obama is visiting Israel. There will be endless talk of peace and resolution of the "Palestinian Situation". This will skirt the real issue: Ethnocentric apartheid in reaction to violent ethnocentrism, supported by all major religions.
Religion and racialism are the real problems in Israel. These will not be examined with any scientific skepticism. These will go ignored by Obama and others as justifiable assumptions. This is wrong. Frankly, this is stupid.
How many conflicts around the world are fueled by religious and ethno-racial prejudices? Israel is yet another example. However, unlike the quest for fairness in Rwanda, Bosnia and Northern Ireland, ethnocentric Judaism and Christianity are given a pass while the prejudices and resentments of the Palestinians are demonized by international authorities. This is simply wrong.
Why shouldn't Israel be expected to resolve its internal security issues without socioeconomic and territorial apartheid? Why does the world dance around Israel's rigid ethnocentrism?
The answers might lie in history. The answers might lie in the current structure and composition of global finance. Wherever the answers lie for this injustice, it is still injustice. And those who support Israel in it are unjust.
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