
There is no real cover in the double-speak of the Salvatore Cordileone, Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, and William Owens, Founder/President of the Coalition of African American Pastors. They are bigots. They are the same bigots who opposed equal rights for American Indians, women and African Americans throughout our nation's history. The supposedly celibate Cordileone and the divorced Owens are no experts on sexuality, love and commitment between adult human beings. Yet they garner national press for their howling bigotry. This confirms that America itself is still homophobic to its roots. 

Some human beings are simply born homosexual, as they are born Caucasian, Black, Asian, American Indian, etc.. Imposing restrictions on their human rights to the same treatment under law as all other human beings is bigotry, whether it is done in refined legalese or at the end of a threatening weapon. 

Bigot Cordileone
Bigot Owens


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