
It is becoming hard to discern where the true sharks lie, in the boats or in the water. The latest estimates tally 100 million sharks killed last year globally by fisherman. Sharks are among the largest predators on the planet. Their place in the aquatic ecosystem is indispensable. 

In an age when global fishing stocks are becoming depleted by human overpopulation, this marker of shark deaths is significant. It tolls the bell for human suffering in the near future, as food and environment become corrupted to a point of no remedy.

An overpopulating species ruled by money, denial and superstition has no future. No human technology can renew the natural balance of the planet. It is too complex, too vast. The lack of understanding of the sudden disappearance of some critical species, like bees and frogs, makes this point obvious. 

While politicians dither over sequestration, while religious zealots fight for control with guns and rape, while techies obsess on the latest Apple release, the world's ecology is being decimated for short-term human profit. Isn't it time for every conscious person to pay close attention? Why aren't those who have brought children into this world standing in protest by the millions at every national capital? These are questions that puzzle this practical humanist.


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