
It is hard to achieve peace without letting go of bad habits which are born of everyday stress. This is true of nations and individuals.
The infant human being is at peace in an environment which is full of affection, adequate feeding and adequate physical care. The infant has no concern with possessions or control. A sense of physical well being dominates the infant's sense of psychological well being. The infant responds immediately to the environment.
We lose some of these qualities as we become autonomous adults. Our focus shifts from peace to active defense of our livelihoods. The wealthy are absolved from this. Hence their inability to relate to the poor or struggling workers. The trust-fund or privileged child can extend the peace of childhood into adulthood more readily. One skeptical look into the face of the younger George Bush or Mitt Romney tells that tale.
The wealthy are at peace with their world. They have no reason not to be. Those who dip their toes into geopolitical waters do so from the position of the missionary who strives to bring 'the word' to the primitives. This is the gospel of making money to be just like them. Since they feel immune to geopolitical and local social deprivations or struggles, they feel that the way the world works is just fine. It just needs a little tweaking in their world views. This is why they have largely ignored or minimized global climate change. After all, Mother Nature would not dare invade their gated communities.
Those who are not wealthy in this materialistic world face an increasing challenge to achieve or maintain personal peace with aging. A personal practice to achieve a sense of personal peace is necessary to counteract the everyday stresses of living in a world which can be unkind and uncaring if you have little or no money. Learning to detach from the materialism of the environment is a good first step in achieving personal peace. Focusing on the elements of the environment which promote health and well being is essential.
As long as an immune wealthy class rules the world there will be no real environmental peace for those who must serve them for their own sustenance. The wealthy depend on war and deprivation to maintain their wealth and control. This explains in part why capitalists refuse to believe in the obvious fact of human overpopulation. This also explains the use of religiosity by the wealthy to rationalize their own positions in society and to absolve themselves for subjugating others.
I do not advocate class war. I do not advocate war of any kind. My premise is that personal peace leads to environmental peace. I do not believe peace will come to most individuals from outside themselves. I do believe attaining personal peace is an ongoing process, never a permanent passive state.
With the peace achieved and maintained through a daily practice comes a special kind of joy. It is the joy of liberation from worry and anxiety. This peace and joy comes to a mind and body which is free of the toxicity of drugs and alcohol in excess. This peace and joy comes to the physically fit and well-rested body and mind. This peace and joy come to the well-nourished body and mind. Attempting to achieve profound personal peace and the accompanying joy cannot be accomplished without intentional daily effort. There are no infomercial products to purchase which hold special secrets. Any person who can read can find the health information required.


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