
Unconscious stress is a quiet killer. When the brain in not intentionally engaged in dealing with environmental or psychological stress, the body works out its own attempts to compensate. If the stress builds over time, the body can maintain itself in a state of high defensiveness hormonally and neuro-chemically. This causes terrific wear on organ and vascular systems. Cardiac problems, stroke and general collapse of immunity can result.
The practice of maintaining conscious psychological and physical health is in the best interest of every human being. However, human society does not place its focus on this ideal. Human society focuses on power and wealth, spiced with conflicted sexuality and unrestrained procreation.
The humanist perspective looks beyond its acceptance of the status quo, while accepting it as the only real starting point for positive change. On an individual level, this humanist perspective should begin with the humanist who adopts it. Dealing with unconscious and conscious stress is the responsibility of each person who adopts a daily practice for the betterment of humanity. Betterment of humanity begins, and perhaps ends, with betterment of my own human state of being and becoming. Doing otherwise is simply preaching without any real substance. Another word for that is "hypocrisy".


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