I seldom feel 'bipartisan' these days, since both political parties have turned their backs on reason in favor of a corporate-media populism. However, today I find myself impressed by a Heritage Foundation study which has drawn heavy criticism from both sides of the anti-scientific political spectrum. Bottom line of that study: Illegal, undereducated immigrants would cost taxpayers significant cash if given amnesty, as proposed in the current immigration bills in Congress.
Europeans figured this out decades ago. The Swedes, the French and the Germans have all paid dearly for importing cheap foreign labor. And their immigrations were more controlled and monitored than the current invasion of the United States by undereducated, undertrained immigrants. Our own President's relatives, an aunt and uncle, have come and stayed here illegally and reaped government benefits.
As long as nationalism is the model by which nations pay their bills, legal immigration of qualified workers or refugees, monitored closely by government, is the practical approach, based on simple balance sheets to account for citizen tax revenues. The forces which are currently promoting the insane notion that undereducated and undertrained immigrants contribute to society's orderly and equitable function are motivated by political ideology or some other dubious ideology. Their premise is unscientific and irresponsible to those of us who pay the bills with our taxes.
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