The future of humanity lies in the hands of women, not men. Poverty is propagated by the reproductive activity of uneducated and impoverished women. The effects of human overpopulation, which threatens the sustainability of human life on the planet, are magnified by growing human poverty. This is not the poverty of starvation. In fact, obesity is becoming a problem among the poorer people on the planet due to worldwide demand for affordable food from agricultural aggregates, who depend largely on genetically manipulated wheat, corn and rice to feed billions cheaply and unhealthily.
Sex education is vehemently resisted by religions dominated by men. Educated women in developed countries must lead the way to liberation from these religious impediments in order for the human species to prosper in peace. The last 30 years have seen victories of domineering men in this struggle. Religious hoodlums (Taliban and other fundamentalists in all religions) have bullied many women in the developed world into submission to male authority by adopting 'traditional' female roles. The resurgence in the Republican Party's domination in American politics has largely been due to this trend.
Many educated women have swallowed the myths of free market capitalism. These myths foster the lie that all boats rise under corporate domination. Women have been seduced into token roles of power within the corporate culture. They have adopted the materialism and competitiveness of men. Their vision of the world is unimaginative. They are tied to all the assumptions of the past in an attempt to achieve monetary and social success. They are committed to hereditary wealth (aristocracy) and Libertarian nonsense about everyone having the same opportunities in life.
There are exceptional female pioneers throughout the world. They receive little press. Angelina Jolie's mastectomy gets more coverage than all life-risking sex education and female empowerment that many women are engaged in throughout the developing world. Millions of women die silently of undiagnosed breast cancer in the developing world for lack of education. Many women who stand up for themselves are brutalized and die at the hands of men.
The common rationalization for those of us who are comfortable in the developed world is: Change takes time. At the current rate of environmental degradation, the vast majority of human beings have little time for major change in the behavior of the species. Bringing another human being into this world should be an educated decision by a woman who has the means to provide for that child's needs. Millions are born every year without benefit of this kind of mothering. How long can this continue before disaster overcomes our species?
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