
Ethanol molecule.
I am the son of the adult child of an abusive male alcoholic. I lived for 61 years under the oppression of the results of my maternal grandfather's brutal addiction. My mother bore the scars of her upbringing until she died. This interfered with all her human relationships. 

I was pleased to hear a National Public Radio piece on women and alcohol this morning. This segment is an example of the best aspects of NPR, in my opinion.

Alcohol is not a healthy nutrient. Alcohol does not facilitate proper hydration. Alcohol worsens depression, despite its traditional use by the depressed as medication. Alcohol is not an effective treatment over time for any psychological distress. Its physiological toxicity far outweighs its physiological, psychological or social benefits. This is medical science ... not pseudo-science sponsored by the alcohol industry for advertising.

Alcohol will eventually be seen as a toxin like tobacco as overwhelmed medical systems are destroyed by a flood of alcohol-related disease in aging populations. This may be the last hurrah of the alcohol industry before that inevitable correction. Unfortunately, the swath of destroyed lives left in the wake of the industry's record profiteering will be irreversible. 


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