
Young Stephen Hawking
 Being in full consciousness is difficult. Most of us have problems acknowledging the realities of our lives. Denial is a natural human defense. We deny pain, fear and powerlessness regularly in order to get through our lives functionally. We are mortal. We age. Our bodies deteriorate, no matter how well we maintain them or dress them up. 

I have had to be fully conscious of being incapacitated more than the majority of people my age in the developed world. When my legs didn't work or my lungs didn't get enough oxygen, I learned a great deal about who I really am. I am an animal, an organic machine with definite limitations and needs. Yet my mind can transcend those limitations with some effort and practice.

Mature Stephen Hawking
Most people in good health fear even thinking of these realities and eventualities. Watching people in a crowded situation when someone in a wheelchair enters the scene will educate you on this. Their discomfort, confusion and avoidance is flight from their full consciousness of being, which includes consciousness of the mortal limitations of their own lives. Avoiding the fear and discomfort of identifying with a disabled or damaged human body in view is a common defense. However, it also is a common barrier to compassion in practice.


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