
I suppose some would think of having a daily practice as following a collection of rigid routines. While routine is indeed helpful in remembering what needs to be done, its rigidity is not necessary for a healthy practice in my opinion. This does not mean that lapsing into a occasional night of drunkenness falls under flexibility in a practice to maintain health and expand consciousness. 

Initially establishing a practice may require a period of some routine structure. Diet, exercise, mental stimulation, socialization...all these ingredients must somehow be integrated into a life which is often occupied in large part by work. While some forms of labor allow readily for satisfying certain aspects of practice, others do not without added effort on the part of the worker. That effort usually pays off.

The analogy of a tree in the wind has always appealed to me. The tree is firmly rooted, but withstands high winds by being flexible. If its is old and rigid, it is likely to be torn apart by a storm. The stability of practice is the root. The flexibility comes with the health and resourcefulness practice develops in the mind and body. 


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