President Obama recently answered a question about one-payer health insurance at a forum on Obamacare. He said that he would have preferred to develop a one-payer (government) insurance rather than the mess he has developed with the Affordable Care Act. However, he claimed, the private health insurance industry could not be touched for fear of disrupting the economy.
This same man watched over the purchase of a major car manufacturer by the U.S. government. He spent billions upon billions to bail out banks. But he could not touch the private health care industry?
The truth is that the current health care industry in the U.S. is a complex monster of corporate welfare. Medical centers and health insurance companies feed off the public treasury. Insurance premiums barely cover costs because of the huge bureaucracies the insurance companies support. Hospitals also support armies of staff to bill and collect. Health care is indeed a major sector of our economy, as it should be. However, it is vastly inflated by the scamming of hospitals and private insurance.
President Obama signed off on this status quo with the Affordable Care Act. Tea Party libertarians support the status quo of insurance scams as 'free market' capitalism. In this, the President and the Tea Party are joined hand in hand.
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