
President Obama held a news conference yesterday before departing for his annual winter vacation, something most Americans will never know. He used the news conference to promote his own performance as President, an office which is now owned and operated by Corporate-CEO America. 

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has it all backwards. He spoke proudly of having restored Wall Street's prosperity. Well, yeah, they paid his way into office. His financial advisers are all Wall Street insiders. He has been a puppet of Wall Street and big banking. He said, with hollow confidence, that now it is time to see to it that all Americans share in that prosperity of his buddies on Wall Street. 

What? Is this a feudal king? "I have seen to it that all the lords of my fiefdoms are fat and wealthy, so now I shall proclaim that they let some money fall to the peasantry." That is how it sounded to my ears. This capitalism is simply a modern form of the old class system.

Then Mr. Obama tried to cover himself for his complicity in NSA surveillance on everyone in the world they can reach. He said the NSA might find a better way "to skin the cat". Yes, those are his words, "skin the cat". This betrays the aggressive and predatory nature of Mr. Obama's own mindset when it comes to American immunity from being held accountable for its snooping into personal lives of lawful civilians. Again, this is the mindset of the aristocrat who sees himself as god-chosen to supervise and dominate the rest of humanity. 

Yes, Obama has it backwards. He was elected to serve (not dominate) all the American people, but he isn't doing that job. He is carrying on the practices of the George Bush administration, a map drawn by the puppet masters behind the dotty Ronald Reagan, like Dick Cheney and Grover Norquist. He has obviously become another acolyte of corporate worship. 

Mr. Obama repeatedly chanted that he had seen to it that 2 million people had signed up for insurance under his abortive health care "reform", which was actually a boon handed to insurance corporations. His great achievement in four years in his mind has been to get 1.3% of the U.S. population to get health insurance. Wow. I suppose in his mind that entitles him to take two weeks in Hawaii on the taxpayer's tab. Now that is getting it backwards big time. 


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