Photo from Daily Mail, UK: Migrants in Kos, Greece 

Once again I heard a migration advocate, this time in Greece, declare categorically that anyone who protests mass migration without proper vetting is "xenophobic". I am now noticing international corporate media's shift from throwing the word "Islmophobia" in the faces of protesters against aggressive mass migration. Xenophobia seems to be the new barb of the unthinking politically correct, also known as those mesmerized by corporate propaganda on shiny screens.

Reading about the roots of a culture and its behaviors to formulate an intelligent opinion is the antithesis of a phobic reaction. For example, looking at the voluntary submission of the vast majority of Syrians to dynastic dictatorship for decades shines a light on the complicity of the Syrian population in developing the current chaos in their country. Condoning and participating in corruption of government has its consequences. The German people are particularly sensitive to this. Perhaps that is why they have displayed such empathy to the Syrian escapees. 

Enabling populations to escape the consequences of their collective choices is not a progressive process for human development. It is regressive. It also diminishes the human progress of populations who have taken the reins of responsibility to build progressive societies. Here in the U.S., we are struggling with this same issue as we deal with a push by some to develop a generalized victim culture, exemplified by the regressive approaches to poverty, addiction, crime, racism and poor public education. 

Saying "No." to anyone about anything is beginning to be cast as "cruel". This reflects the last several decades of overly permissive child rearing in The West. We now have an adult population which has been allowed to remain childish in its perception of the world. This contributes to the binary nature of American politics, for example. Trump is cruel and bad. Hillary is maternal and good. The issues become irrelevant when life is viewed through the eyes of a child (disengaged citizen) who does not feel responsible for the consequences of the grown-ups (political leaders). This works well for politicians and their corporate masters.

I believe I have the human right and responsibility to participate in maintaining my human environment on my property, on my block and in my city. I do not believe I am being phobic if I do not want a tent city of undocumented foreign migrants at the foot of my street. As it is, there are troupes of illegal migrant men from Central America living on the streets of my neighborhood. I do not believe it is xenophobic to be concerned about them, their native culture and the consequences of their homelessness for my neighborhood. 

The immature and privileged who feel they are immune to the consequences of opening borders to aggressive migration may not be xenophobic, but they may well be self-defeating. 


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