Hurricane Harvey wasn't anomalous. It was a Category 3 hurricane.  Since hurricanes are measured by wind speeds primarily up to a high rating of 5, Harvey was an average hurricane. However, the impressive amount of rain dropped on flooded areas can be attributed to warmer ocean temperatures. And the slow drainage of those areas can be attributed to higher sea levels. Water can only flow down to its own level. These two factors are associated with climate change. 

Yet the media, the government and even some of those who were subjected to the flooding continue to deny climate change's predictable effects in storms like these. In all likelihood, billions of government dollars will go to rebuilding in the same places and in the same ways. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over with an expectation of a different result. 

The dark irony of Harvey's destruction is its locale. Texas is the epicenter of America's petrochemical industry. The Texas coast is where refined oil is off-loaded to the world to power the disaster of climate change, actually human climate destruction. I am an atheist, but this one really begs the question of whether The Universe practices its own form of natural justice. 


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