A symptom of an immature or disordered personality is projection. Projection is a defense mechanism against facing one's own weaknesses or flaws under anxiety caused by stress. In order to avoid responsibility or conflict, a person unconsciously projects his own wishes, fears, shortcomings or aggressive intent upon an external object. An example is the personification of a machine which is dysfunctional. The frustrated operator kicks the machine and accuses it of being malevolent by intent.
Kicking a broken-down car is one thing; smashing the face of a political opponent is another. I suggest viewing some critical You Tube coverage of recent demonstrations staged by The New Left, spear-headed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups. You will quickly learn that the old mantra that only "Far-Right" means Nazism and violence is now passe. I say this as someone who has been philosophically to The Left of Left in the U.S. for 50 years. I am a vegetarian, a pacifist, a social democrat. I believe in direct democracy. Yes. I think we should all be voting on our phones about everything having to do with government and tax dollars all the time. I think we should immediately deflate The Pentagon and Homeland Security. And I think Congress, The President and The Supreme Court should answer to voters, not the other way around.
I don't hear much about these ideas from The New Left. The New Left appears to be led by those who project their rage onto their political opponents. Hillary Clinton is perhaps an icon of this mentality. She behaved as a war-mongering ally of Saudi Arabia and other militarist nations when Secretary of State while presenting herself as politically Liberal. She is personally vicious and aggressive by all accounts, but perpetually claimed to be a female victim of the patriarchy. In other words, she projected her own megalomania onto anyone who challenged her right to lead.
The big question now: Why do corporate media and the mainstream political establishment support the projection of The New Left's aggression and intolerance upon its peaceful and intelligent opponents? Well, I could speculate that The New Left's black-white dictatorial ideologies are well suited to squashing skeptical thinking in any population. If the ruling elite see the tsunami of unaddressed climate degradation and overpopulation approaching, as I am sure they do, wouldn't it be a neat trick to encourage a media-brainwashed fascist mob, cloaked as social justice protesters, into an army to keep skeptical people from organizing resistance to the elite agenda?
The specter of the National Socialists of 1930's Germany is a convenient scare tactic for those who are mobilizing these New Left gangs of aggressive and violent neurotics to act as their proxy Thought Police. The irony of this is stunning. Hitler and his cronies did the same thing. In other words, leaders of The New Left are condoning the same tactics Hitler used to gain power: Violent mobs angrily marching through urban streets to silence those who disagree with their world view.
Projecting racism, homophobia and xenophobia onto a thinking and peaceful conservative, who believes in free speech and debate, says something deeply disturbing about the person doing the projecting. That person should be viewed with careful skepticism. That person should be the focus of truly just authority. That person is the greater threat to the peace and freedom of the rest of us.
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