After Oprah Winfrey made a good speech after receiving an award at The Golden Globes, her minions, much like the minions of Hillary C., are speculating on the TV mogul's presidential aspirations. This is America. Yes, any native citizen can aspire to becoming POTUS. And that's a good thing, to echo another TV dominatrix.

What would Oprah bring to The White House? I have to say right off that I would prefer her to Hillary Clinton as the first female POTUS. Hands down. Oprah has worked through her developmental issues admirably. Her candid revelation of her childhood miseries won the understanding of most Americans with a pulse and an IQ over 80. The irony of her corruption by power and money is that her career snowballed with those revelations. In other words, the humbling childhood can yield the pompous mogul when the emergence from that childhood succeeds. This is an old human story.

But Oprah also bribed her way to adulation. Her TV show, largely aimed at middle class women, offered distraction from bourgeois boredom and featured fake charity. Her famous give-away scheme, whereby she bestowed goodies to her screaming audiences, reminded me of European aristocrats who famously visited poor districts and distributed a pittance of their wealth, gained off the backs of the slightly less destitute, in a flagrant show of Christian benevolence. And let us not forget how she dodged the sexual abuse allegations leveled against her African school for girls, which was an obvious public relations ploy (gone wrong) when her show's popularity began to wane.

Oprah is probably a decent person, as far as human beings and decency go. But I happen to believe, against the Liberal bias, that Donald Trump is too. He is at least as decent as Hillary or Bill Clinton, for example. Decency as a person does not mean power and money do not still corrupt. Decency does not necessarily translate into likable behavior.

There is no apparent Harry S. Truman or Abraham Lincoln on the Presidential horizon. They were among our most decent presidents. A timely example of Truman's wisdom: 
"Those who want the Government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination." 
Truman's mind was amazingly unscathed by power and criticism. Perhaps, in a paradoxical way, his lack of grandiosity worked against him in politics and public relations.

Oprah is not Harry Truman or Abraham Lincoln. Nor is Donald Trump. Nor is Hillary Clinton. Nor is Obama. Nor was Ronald Reagan. Truman and Lincoln were rare examples of men from humble beginnings who retained their humility by submerging themselves in civic duty and responsibility to the exclusion of flattery and politics. 

Oprah Winfrey is an actor, a producer, an artist, a personality. She would likely make an appealing front to another Washington junta, as did Obama and Reagan. We are living with the aftermath of military-industrial-technological juntas controlling our government for nearly seven decades. The deterioration of American Idealism, like the deterioration of the planetary environment,  is evident, especially after Obama exploited it to get elected and did not restore it. The rise of nihilism and determinism is also evident. 

If given the choice in 2020 between Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey, I would have to choose Mr. Trump for the obvious advantage of bureaucratic stability. It would simply be a choice between one reality-show host/figurehead and another. Neither choice would mean any change for the better. Unless our public education system is restored, the future of American politics and governance will remain dim. Unless our universities are liberated from the grasp of materialistic hypocrites who use social justice as a propaganda tool to attain social prominence and public mind control, our civilization itself may be doomed. 

Our country does not need a presidential messiah. Our country needs a liberator and relentless laborer for the U.S. Constitution and the law. We the people crave fairness on all levels. We the people are tired of celebrities who use race, money and gender to divide us. Oprah  does not come close to filling the bill, in my opinion. I am beginning to wonder if anyone can. 


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