Bigotry is bigotry. There is no scientific, moral or ethical justification for negatively judging anything on sight. This delineates the obvious boundary between civilized behavior and ignorant tribalism. Science and law, practiced with arduous equanimity, are defenses against bigotry. 

An obvious regression into ignorant tribalism is developing among a certain minority of university students in the U.S.. These young minds are being manipulated by academics whose position in higher learning is unfounded in science and law. These are the gender studies phonies and diversity experts who promote racism and sexism under the cover of exposing it outside their classrooms. They whip up race hate and enable sexual dysfunction in the name of social justice. These social parasites are not new. 

Previously these social parasites abounded in Fundamentalist Christian pulpits and on cable TV screens. Former used-car salesmen became hucksters for The Lord. They prospered on donations garnered from shut-ins whose lives were reduced to 19-inch TV screens. These creeps became so powerful four decades ago in the U.S. that they were influential in electing Ronald Reagan, another huckster used by Ayn Rand's disciples to dismantle the better aspects of government regulation (airlines, public utilities, health care, borders) while promoting militarism. 

The Left's hatred for Reagan's destruction of Roosevelt's socialism was sublimated for political reasons in the incarnate form of Bill Clinton. The cowardly Liberal establishment licked its wounds after failing to sway the electorate in three national elections. Unlike the current virulent hatred displayed against Trump by Sanders/Hillary supporters, the reaction to Reagan by The Left of the 1980's and 1990's was a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

The Left after Reagan moved to Center Right in a sly dance to Reagan's tune. It propagated the Reagan myth of 'destroying Communism', which had collapsed from its own rot within. It sold out gay men dying of AIDS. It sold out Black urban communities. It allowed the huge influx of illegal Latino labor which undermined all native-born Americans by gutting public education budgets and driving down blue-collar wages for non-union workers. The Clintons are the apex of this shift. They represent, and lead, a so-called Liberal class which is only Liberal in its manipulation of minorities and the truth to suit its own power and money agenda, self-aggrandizement in the form of pious philanthropy. Why not? That model has worked for The Vatican for centuries.

These truly privileged Liberals of all shapes, genders and colors are the propagators of justified bigotry against Conservatives on college campuses, in corporate media outlets and in Congress. They are masters at word-twisting and denial of demonstrable reality. They promote race war. They promote gender war. They have supported destabilization of the Muslim world in cahoots with Saudi Arabia while decrying a confabulated "Islamophobia". There is no bottom to their hypocrisy in their attempt to maintain political and social domination. 

As a working-class homosexual from an ethnic Russian-American childhood of the 1950's and 1960's. I know what bigotry is. My university experience  liberated me from many of my self-imposed chains of religious and social bigotry. And that was in a Catholic university. I am horrified today when I see infantilized adolescents on college campuses proudly throwing tantrums in their own self-imposed chains of victimhood. They have been convinced by evil professors that they have been victimized by some nebulous external establishment other than the so-called Progressives who are brainwashing them for their own political and monetary purposes.

Tantrums, whether individual or social, are not justifications for anything. They are simply a display of immaturity and ignorance. Feeling bad about your life does not justify blaming everyone else for your misery while not even attempting personal progress through hard work and persistence. It is easy to be bigoted against the less fortunate and the overly fortunate if you are not working to improve your own circumstances. The self-loathing always look for someone upon whom they project their own self-hatred. That is the 'kick the dog' aspect of blame, a very human instinct. But it is not justifiable. Nor does it help the individual who becomes caught in its consuming fog of self-pity. 


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