Another royal extravaganza in U.K... emphasis on the "K.". Huge commercial success guaranteed. Yobs pushing in to spend time and money on an event designed to keep them always less-than. Truly masochistic.

The British monarchy is among the world's wiliest. Asian god-kings may well outscore the Windsors in the area of divinity, but none live better with more deference. And why is that?

The British monarchy has managed to live under an impenetrable layer of public-relations Teflon, despite being associated with some of the most horrific acts in history. The current descendants of Victoria Regina can reflect on the Great War as one of their ancestors' crowning achievements. Millions dead and the groundwork laid for WWII and The Holocaust. Their earlier ancestors exploited North America, India, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Africa ruthlessly. Earlier than that, they persecuted Jews, Catholics, the French, the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish for centuries. And so on.

Queen Elizabeth II's mother may well have saved the stuttering monarchy with her photo ops during The Blitz. She became the icon of British perseverance and dogged determination. Her face and Churchill's rhetoric became worldwide symbols of resistance to Fascism. Effective propaganda. However, the anti-monarchist U.S. and Communist U.S.S.R. saved the U.K., the rest of Europe and Asia from Fascism. The royals did not.

The current royal lot are nothing special. They have lived the lives of all Western elites. Their bearing, with the exception perhaps of Elizabeth II's, is rather bourgeois. Perhaps this is the "common touch" to keep themselves in the good graces of a trashier popular culture in The West today. In any case, their association with God-endowed power is offensive to anyone who truly appreciates what representative republics have done for the common person. 

Tradition of the royal variety is what a society clings to in the face of seismic social upheaval. It is the ultimate form of identity politics. God-endowed supremacy. As U.K. has slowly deteriorated into a Babel actually ruled by a class of international financial invaders, like Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes, its native-born, ethnically British or Scottish or Welsh citizens have been forced out of the power dynamics in Parliament. Those in power there are wedded to the royals by title, wealth or aspiration to permanence in their positions. They are creating their own political dynasties.  

The disgruntled masses of ethnic Brits are being given cake, a wedding cake, comparable to Marie Antoinette's prescription, to salve their wounded national identity. The marketing of this prince's wedding to an American supporting TV actress from Hollywood is very shrewd. The message is "Be global; be cool; be pro-royal." The con is working in the corporate-media-polluted age. Those with no knowledge or understanding of the history of royalty eat it up. It is simply a luxury brand to them, like Burberry or Vuitton. 

And talk about "White Privilege"? How about a survey of social justice warriors from Leftist-feminist-LGBTQ+ protestors against Donald Trump? I would be curious to know what percentage of them are enthralled with the upcoming royal wedding. I speculate that percentage would be high enough to prove that the majority have absolutely no personal commitment to real social justice or equitable human rights under law. What they aim for is hypocritical virtue signalling on social media sites to achieve their own sense of social superiority. 


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