The Lilliputians of The Land of Stupid speak loudly and carry big pickaxes. They may be Little People, but they are not to be confused with The Deplorables, those stalwart and struggling Middle Americans whom the Global Elite are trying to push into extinction to make room for The Malleables, masses of Third World poor who will do their bidding for minimal welfare payments.

What happened to admiration for etiquette and articulate speech? Some might say that The White Man, in appropriating Black Culture, have mistakenly adopted the rapper modality as the most admirable aspect of that culture. You know, expletives about anyone and any group that gets in the way of your perpetual consumption of drugs and sex from a brutal macho perspective, even if you are female.

Some intelligent Black commentators have claimed that The White Man has killed Black Culture. Perhaps. But I, as an admittedly loathsome Old White Man according to contemporary mainstream media, have worked among Black Americans whose ethics and deportment were exemplary. That Black Culture, in my humble opinion, can never be destroyed. It represents the highest form of human decency in the face of adversity. I wish that more young Black Americans actually imitated those who have emerged out of ghetto tribalism to shine in general society. Unfortunately, exemplary young people like Candace Owens are targets of that backward tribalism.

Some psychologists would suggest that we are simply imitation-driven primates in an ever-expanding group, pushing out to globalist proportions due to information technology. Our most aggressive and manipulative primate relations become world leaders with wealth and power. We are prone to imitate the powerful as a form of self-protection. The Stockholm Syndrome research seems to support this. However, there is a disconnect within our huge human tribe between the real leaders and those who believe they are imitating them. 

So what is the commonly perceived currency of power in this tribe of 7+ billions? Well, for the extremist, it is explosions. For the First World, it is attention in the form of views, hits, clicks, subscribers. For the pretty, it is attention from videos of various kinds on various platforms. The intelligence of this content is inversely proportionate to the sexual attractiveness of the presenter(s). For the attractive, intelligent and hypnotically articulate, it is the attention of videos and roadshows in large venues. For the legislatively or administratively minded, it is political campaigning. 

Striving for attention which leads to social and economic power is an obvious reaction to the increasing anonymity of a gigantic human population. Competition for survival for some. Competition for the ability to live a pleasurable life for the more fortunate. Competition to leave a legacy for the especially fortunate. 

Competition for attention has contributed to the viciousness of our mass-media-dominated age. A human population lulled into jaded media overdose is awakened by the sensational, the exaggerated, the bizarre, the caustic. This does not lend to a balanced diet of media intake for the unwitting consumer. It produces an adrenaline addiction in those who become mesmerized by a diet of constant media outrage, battling and catastrophe. This is similar to the stimulation which fuels a pornography addiction without the climactic euphoria and relaxation.

There is a parallel universe alongside this attention seeking and hypnotically addicted existence. Those who own the great media outlets and the corporations which fund them live in the dark universe which lies behind the lighted screens. They ply their competition for power in board rooms and five-star hotels. They come to that universe with individual power from inheritance or monetized genius. They are the Alphas of the human tribe. And their numbers are also growing. 

While employing small tech armies to keep them from getting unwanted attention on lighted screens, these Alphas are engaged in keeping the lid on social mobility from the Beta class just beneath them. They manipulate, pay governments to legislate, and promote censorship in whatever direction threatens their power. They do not seek attention. They do not have to. They buy it when they wish to enforce their influence on the human tribe. 

These imams of The Profit meet at Davos and Bilderberg conferences. Their minions, working in big media, tech and finance, are their jihadists, pushing the unfettered-capitalism agenda. They work quietly behind the rumble of mass distraction, the obsession of lesser humans with war, politics and culture. They dream of colonies in Space to replace the inevitably degraded golf courses and resorts they now frequent. They preach a gospel of all boats rising, all 7+billion, on a wave of capitalist prosperity, while real boats are rising on the flooding tides of capitalist climate change. 

I try to keep these various dimensions of the human experience in mind when I am watching any piece of moving media. In my mind, this constitutes keeping it real. It is not easy. It takes intentional practice. I force myself to watch and read pieces with opposing views from the extremes. I follow what the Alphas preach. I watch the extremists rant. I watch the narcissists pose. I read the modern mystics who forecast the human future, based on algorithms and statistics. 

What I see as real is a planet in serious trouble. I see an Alpha class who have not evolved beyond their greed for power. I see a Beta class being slowly decimated. And I see a burgeoning underclass spreading throughout the once prosperous areas of the planet with the aid of the Alpha class. The Beta class, composed of those who have access to tech and some basic security, are being set against each other by media controlled by the Alphas. It has all been predicted by great writers for decades. And, while beleaguered Betas scream about choice on social media sites, their choices, their real choices, have already been deemed inconsequential by those who hold power. Yes, history repeats itself, but this planet is our one and only. 


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