Desperation takes many forms. It is related to despair and depression. Hopelessness morphs into all kinds of unconscious and conscious behaviors.

How can any informed person be unaware of the desperate state of the human species? And how likely is it for anyone to be uniformed in an age of smart phones, which have penetrated the poorest markets in the world?

It is safe to speculate that a vast percentage of the human species is aware that our human ecology is under threat. It is also safe to speculate that the same percentage of the human species are aware there is no light-switch fix for the complex problems as long as the swelling human species embraces petrochemical luxuries worldwide.

Not enough attention is paid to the mental conflict of the contemporary human mind in the face of these factors when looking at migration, nationalism and more general political upheaval. Escapism and denial are deeply ingrained human defenses in reaction to threats that seem unsolvable. Will the human species allow itself to engage in its ancient practice of violent conflict to finally deal with the threat to its progress?

Opening borders and closing prisons, the current Leftist lunacy of the U.S. Democrats and the E.U. bureaucrats, are actually catalysts for violent conflict and the degradation of lawful societies. Is this some sort of unconscious "bring-it-on" defense against the inevitable? It means increasing chaos and lawlessness, two major ingredients for developing an eventual totalitarian state. Perhaps this is the ultimate wish-fear dynamic at play. 

China is the model for humanity's future if there is not a major shift in dealing with the threats to human ecology globally. I speculate Chinese policy-makers are quite aware of this. Perhaps their economic expansion into the Third World globally is their way of sharing the lessons of their history of overpopulation and environmental catastrophe. Perhaps it is nowhere near that philanthropic. The great lesson of Mao is simple: An overpopulated and lawless human population can only be brought back from chaos with extreme totalitarian measures. Demonize Mao's methods all you want, but they are the foundation of China's current prosperity. His methods created a functional nation-state from dysfunctional regional chaos.

Donald Trump has become the unwanted, and perhaps unwitting, global harbinger of major problems in human ecology. Perhaps this is due to the cultural vernacular of his message: MAGA. Nigel Farage fulfilled a similar role with the E.U in pushing Brexit's eventual passage in U.K.. His message was also delivered in a cultural vernacular, but U.K.'s small-island nature has made the eventual issues (not enough to go around and conflict over what goes where and to whom) more apparent. Killing the messenger is an ancient human remedy against having to deal with the horrifyingly inevitable.

The current social and political upheaval in the U.S. and Europe in a time of relative prosperity defies logic. Hatred for political leaders who are articulating the civilized dissatisfaction of their civilian populations with legal status in their countries is simply crazy. Throwing one-word labels as a defense of outrage with no logical argument behind that behavior is childish. These behaviors are regressive. By that I mean they are perhaps symptomatic of mental breakdown as a result of overwhelmed defenses. 

What concrete threat could be overwhelming the defenses of relatively affluent people in The West? That is my question. Whatever the ultimate answer in anyone else's mind, I have to speculate that the threat is environmental on all levels. Threat to a decent way of life with law and order. Threat to adequate energy to fuel an increasingly electricity-dependent infrastructure. Threat to quality nutrition for the average person as more and more people require food. Threat to air quality. Threat to adequate clean water. Threat to basic peace and quiet. 

These threats are being made obvious by those political leaders being attacked most vehemently in the media of The West. The major media outlets, once the messengers, are now becoming the force to kill the messengers. Is this mass dysfunction or mass distraction, perpetrated on the masses by those who operate under the delusion they can exploit the problems which may well obstruct actual human progress without suffering the consequences themselves?


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