The cornerstone of a free and lawful society is truth-telling (transparency, candor) in all things. Any intelligent person can come to the conclusion in the U.S. of today that telling one's truth is becoming more hazardous in many places. The easy accommodation is learning how to edit oneself and master the art of half-truth or outright lying. This road has been trodden throughout history across the globe. It leads nowhere any of us wants to end up, I assure you.

The Tommy Robinson case in England stands out as an example of the corruption of cultural honesty in Western society. Tommy himself is not a perpetrator here. He is a rebel for a decent cause: Truth in journalism. The now-condemned attempt to corrupt the legal system to shut Tommy's truth-telling up illustrates how quickly this can happen when so-called professional journalism deteriorates into a mouthpiece of financial and political backers of media. Victimizing Tommy Robinson failed miserably. This is the good news. But major media outlets, owned by those who wish to drag culture into their master-plan for human society, are still under lock and key. They are either propaganda tools or unethical exploitation machines, desperate for viewers and listeners at any cost.

Human beings have the remarkable ability to adapt as social animals to their surroundings. The species has evolved very rapidly over the last 30 millennia, compared to other species. This has come with tremendous costs, as well as advantages. Environmental degradation of a closed ecosystem (Earth) has accelerated due largely to human overpopulation within that closed ecosystem. The unscientific and uninformed adapt by saying, "There's plenty of room for everyone."  Those who know better realize that each human being draws a calculable amount of resources (as well as space to provide those resources) in order to live what we consider a "civilized" life. It isn't simply about the square footage of a studio apartment in Tokyo, Manhattan, London or Beijing.

Here is where our animal brain adaptability and our frontal lobe rationalization can be locked in a dangerous dynamic. The meek person who continually denies climate change and overpopulation to the point of being crammed into a room just big enough to lie down in might well snap and become violent without realizing the roots of this mental breakdown. Add an automatic rifle, acid or explosives to that equation. Another example might be considered. The relatively wealthy teenager who is excluded by an increasingly competitive peer group for any reason feels his vulnerability as a threat before he has the tools to rationalize his/her place in a greater reality. Add an automatic rifle to that scenario and we know what might happen.

What does this have to do with free speech, lawfulness and openness? I speculate that mass denial is the toxic defense system at play in the face of threatening climate change and overpopulation. I speculate that citizens of affluent nations globally are behaving the same way Germans did as the Third Reich ascended. In the face of environmental pressure, economic pressure and cultural corruption, rather than oppressive fascism, they have been turning away from the threats in favor of anesthetizing propaganda which encourages their denial of the actual problems which threaten them.

And what would be the vested interest of those fueling this mass denial? That vested interest is as old as the first densely populated and stratified societies of ancient human history. It is much more comfortable to be on top than on the bottom.

But the frontal lobe of the human brain, working in intentional harmony with the rest of that remarkable organ, can be awakened to these dynamics. This is perhaps the only reason for human optimism in the 21st century. When I refer to optimism, I mean hopefulness for the distant future of our species. Frankly, I have no hopefulness for the immediate future, mine or the rest of humanity's. The gradual awakening occurring today among the brighter brains on the planet has the potential to defeat the dark forces which promote mass denial and its predictably horrendous consequences. But the very fact that there are already too many people on the planet who demand the right to unintentional or unsustainable reproduction will impede that general awakening. 

The first step to human enlightenment is turning on the light of self-truth, the realization of one's own existence as it really is, warts and all. There is no better path than being confident in the light of truth, one's own and the learned truth of others. That light, as it spreads within and shines without, disperses secrets and lies into the far shadows. People like Tommy Robinson, Jordan Peterson, Stephen Fry, Katie Hopkins, Paul Joseph Watson, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Stephen Crowder, and many others have taken to independent media to tell their diverse truths in the face of corporate media's blanket of propaganda in favor of collectivism, censorship and mob rule.

The roiling mobs of manipulated misfits and spoiled university students are suitably robed in black with face masks. They are the semi-conscious minions of the dark forces who would enslave and extinguish independent voices and thoughts. They are offered the tribal security of conformist victimhood and entitlement in exchange for their denial of science, statistics and the common sense. Standing alone in the light petrifies them. Watch any video with interviews of these protesters against free speech. They are the defenders of  lies, foisted upon them by mass media and their teachers.

The individualist message of some academics and media presenters is a predictable reaction to the wave of collective blaming, shaming and guilt constantly washing over consumers of corporate media. Individuals standing up to the past oppression of sexism, racism and homophobia sparked popular movements which have already changed Western societies. We are decades into that process. The current wave of aggressive man-hating,  race-baiting, and gender-denial are not the healthy progression of those earlier movements. They are symptoms of a dysfunctional minority of badly educated and badly parented adolescents and young adults. Nothing more. And their secrets and lies to themselves about their mental suffering have been encouraged by a permissive and selfish society which refuses to address that suffering with honest confrontation, institutional care or remedial education.


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