The globalist shrug to the inevitability of overpopulation has benefits for those who overpopulate most. The developing world has the highest birthrates. This is upside down on a common sense level. Why would people with the least have the most children? The simple answer is ignorance. Some might counter that the morbidity rates are also higher in the developing world, but the rise in life spans even there would negate that argument. The net human population is still rocketing. And more of it is poor and uneducated, despite all the haughty claims of capitalists that all boats are rising on an imaginary sea of money.

Migration and immigration into the developed world are inevitable. We are outnumbered, plain and simple. It is likely that bureaucrats see illegal migration and increased legal immigration as a release valve of population pressure in the developing nations. They may feel they are averting global class war and armed invasion. Perhaps they are correct.

Whatever your position on migration and overpopulation is, you must acknowledge that developed nations will suffer losses. 

Globalist propaganda tells us that a homogeneous population is evil in itself. This is nonsense. The basis of any homogeneity determines its value. If everyone is united by a common constitutional government that values human rights, law and environmental quality of life, the resulting homogeneity of that society should result in a high quality of life for its citizens. Homogeneity of this kind is being wiped out over large portions of the developed world. If a society is homogeneous in corruption, violence and tribalism, then its quality will be measured accordingly. 

Here in the U.S., our homogeneity was once centered on common citizenship and national pride. Immigrants once came to the U.S. to join that homogeneity of Americanism. They maintained their cultural memory but surrendered their nationalism to America. This was gradually eroded by dual citizenship, supported in law by Supreme Court cases in 1952 and 1964. These cases were judged at times of nearly no illegal immigration and considerably more sustainable population. Previous generations of working immigrants to the U.S. would laugh if asked whether they were considering moving back to their country of origin. 

The loss of a unifying national identity is extremely evident in today's virulent U.S. politics. Dividing and conquering is as successful a tactic for globalists today as it was for the Roman Empire. Major news and social media are weapons of this tactic in the hands of private globalist interests. Nationalists of any kind are labelled with the vilest slurs. Race-baiting and gender-baiting are used to personalize the attack on anyone who dares to persist in advocacy for borders and commonality of national purpose. 

It does not matter what the motivation may be for these tactics. They are depriving stable nations of a better quality of life for their tax-paying and voting citizens. These tactics are being imposed by non-democratic bodies: Media empires, Finance empires, E.U., U.N., etc.. The tsunami of poor populations pouring across destabilized borders will cause great suffering to those who have known better lives in the developed world. Their suffering will be ignored. Their loss will be shrugged off as an inevitability of human reproduction, human ignorance and human greed.  All boats will not rise with this tide. Instead, the masses will be living on a turbulent and polluted sea, navigated smoothly by the yachts of the super-rich. 


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