What happens when a society no longer holds children and adults accountable for antisocial behavior? Well, look at the headlines. 

Applying Soviet-style control over speech and thought is no substitute for adequate parenting and fair law enforcement. Those on the Left of the political divide seem unaware of this. While inanely screaming about "no borders" and "no prisons" out of one side of their collective mouth, they are cheering on oppressive censorship of intelligent traditional concepts of individual responsibility out the other side of that collective (loud)mouth. 

This is a display of mass tantrum, the mindless raging of collectives of pampered bourgeoisie in mimicry of the designated victims of their class's failed social practices of the past 50 years. Those collectives are Blue, of course. True Blue to their Reagan-Democrat hypocrisy. 

Libertarians are not much different. Their Tea Party mentality would have everyone selling everything to everyone else without anyone actually producing any social value. Their goddess, Ayn Rand, was an exploitative borderline who resented Soviet society for taking away her bourgeois identity in St. Petersburg during the Bolshevik Revolution and who then exploited that same society for a free university education, which subsequently enabled her rise to literary prominence as an icon of anti-collective individualism. Yes, this can be seen as sociopathic behavior. 

Ronald Reagan assembled the acolytes of Rand and disheartened L.B.J. Lefty converts. He set the U.S. on its present course. Reagan's administration initiated the phony hands-off ideal of Libertarian every-man-for-himself economics while handing the actual hands-on power to those who would become today's super-rich. In essence, his policies led to an every-man-for-the-rich-one-percent reality. It worked beautifully, as evidenced by the post-2008 world we now live in.

The wild-eyed frustration of Antifa vandals is the face of a duped and dying middle class in America. The German middle class is beginning to awaken to its own demise, as evidenced by the decline of Merkel, the phony Left-leaning Reagan with E.U- Soros backing. Soros is the European version of Ayn Rand, her ghost perhaps. A man who aided Nazis to eliminate Jewish prosperity in Hungary as a young man and now aids the demise of middle-class democracy by financing violent mobs in The West as an old crone. 

The One-Percent of the affluent West are becoming accountable to nobody. They have enlisted the manufactured and untreated lunatics of society to defend their hypocritical Leftist ideals. And they are spending lots of capital to prevent people from pointing this out. Anti-Trump Derangement is an engineered disease, designed for this very purpose. Affluent Blue America is deluded into thinking it is on a ladder to the One-Percent Heaven, from which it will gaze down at the Deplorables with the likes of Hillary Clinton, Theresa May and Angela Merkel. In reality, Blue America themselves will eventually become 99% deplorable, when they awaken to the cesspool their daily lives have become. 


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